What is Garter Stitch in Knitting?

Have you ever seen a knitted item that looks like it’s made up of little ridges? That’s likely because it’s been made with a garter stitch. This is one of the most classic stitches in knitting and is an essential skill for beginners to learn. Let’s dive in and take a look at what is garter stitch in knitting and how to use it.

What is Garter Stitch?

The garter stitch is one of the simplest stitches used in knitting and has been around since the beginning of time. As its name implies, it resembles rows of garter snakes, which gives it a unique texture that stands out from other stitches. The garter stitch also stretches in both directions, making it great for projects such as blankets or scarves where you want something that won’t curl up or get distorted over time.

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How To Create A Garter Stitch?

Creating a garter stitch is easy. First, start by casting on the desired number of stitches onto your needle. Then, knit every row until your project reaches the desired length. This means alternating between knit (K) and purl (P) stitches across each row, starting with K and ending with P for even-numbered rows and vice versa for odd-numbered rows. Once complete, bind off your last row to finish off your project.

What Can You Make With A Garter Stitch?

Garter stitch can be used for all kinds of projects. It’s especially popular for items such as washcloths or dishcloths because of its stretchiness and durability. It can also be used to make scarves, shawls, hats, mittens, and sweaters. Really anything you can think of. The only limit is your imagination.


If you’re just getting started with knitting or looking to master some basic techniques then learning how to do a garter stitch should definitely be at the top of your list! The process is simple yet effective all you need are needles and yarn. So why not give it a try today? With practice, soon enough you’ll be able to create beautiful projects using this classic technique.

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