How To Knit For Beginners [Step By Step Slowly]

Are you looking for how to knit for beginners step by step slowly? let’s explain in detail. It’s time to learn how to knit. This step-by-step guide will teach you the basics of knitting, from cast-on to bind-off. Before you know it, you’ll be churning out beautiful projects like a pro. So grab some yarn and needles and let’s get started.

How to Knit in Four Steps

knitting takes time and practice, so be patient with yourself and enjoy the process. Following Steps help to start knitting which is under as:

Step One: Cast On

The first step in any knitting project is to cast on. This creates the foundation row of stitches that you will build upon as you knit. There are many different ways to cast on, but the Long Tail Cast On is a good method for beginners. To do this, start by making a slipknot about 18 inches from the end of your yarn. Then, hold the needle in your right hand and the tail of the yarn in your left hand. Make a loop around your left thumb, then use your left index finger to pull the yarn through the loop on your thumb.

Next, place the resulting loop over the needle in your right hand and pull it tight. You have now created your first stitch. Continue making stitches in this way until you have the desired number of stitches on your needle.

Step Two: The Knit Stitch

Now that you have cast on, it’s time to start knitting. The most basic stitch is the knit stitch, which is simply inserting the needle into the next stitch and then pulling the yarn through. To do this, hold the needle with the cast-on stitches in your left hand and insert the needle into the front loop of the first stitch on the left needle, from bottom to top. Then, wrap the yarn around the needle clockwise and pull it through to create a new stitch on the right needle. Repeat this process until you have reached the end of the row.

Also Read: How To Knit Scarf For Beginners

Step Three: The Purl Stitch

The next stitch you need to learn is purling. Purl stitches are worked in exactly the opposite way as knit stitches you insert the needle into the next stitch from top to bottom instead of bottom to top. To do this, hold the needle with all of your stitches in your left hand and insert it into the front loop of the first stitch on the left needle from top to bottom. Then, wrap the yarn around the needle counterclockwise before pulling it through to create a new stitch on the right needle. Repeat until you reach the end of the row.

Step Four: Bind Off

Once you have reached the desired length or finished your project pattern, it’s time to bind off (aka take off) your knitting so that it doesn’t unravel. To do this, start by knitting two stitches as normal. Then, insert the left-hand needle into the first stitch on the right-hand needle and lift it over the second stitch and off the needles altogether. One stitch has now been bound off

Knit one more stitch two stitches will remain on the right-hand needle then repeat the previous step inserting the left-hand needle into the first stitch on the right-hand needle and lifting it over the second stitch and off the needles altogether until only one stitch remains on the right-hand needle. Cut yarn leaving a long tail at least 6 inches then pull the tail through the final loop remaining on needles and pull tight. Your work is now complete.

How To Knit with One Needle

Knitting with one needle, also referred to as finger knitting or arm knitting, is an innovative technique that allows you to create knitted items without the traditional two needles. This method is perfect for beginners who want to try their hand at this ancient craft but don’t have a set of knitting needles, or for those who want to experience a different style of knitting. One-needle knitting doesn’t require any specialized equipment; just your hands and a skein of yarn.

To knit with one needle, start by making a simple slipknot at the end of your yarn. This forms your first loop. Hold the loop in one hand, and with the other, reach through to pull the yarn creating a new loop. You’ve just made your first stitch. Repeat this process by pulling new loops through the old ones, always maintaining tension in the yarn. You’ll start to see a chain forming. It’s essential to keep your stitches uniform in size for a neat finish. This is a basic stitch and once mastered, you can venture into different styles and patterns. Knitting with one needle might seem daunting initially, but with practice, you’ll find it an interesting and fun variant of the traditional knitting process.


There you have it. You now know how to knit for beginners using four simple steps cast on, knit, purl, bind off and can finally finish that long overdue project or make that gorgeous scarf you’ve always wanted. Have fun exploring different projects and perfecting your technique.

Also Read: How to Hold Yarn When Knitting

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